In 2022 we traveled again to Taiwan for Tape That 2.0 – a remake of our previous exhibition in Taipei.
This time we went to Kaoshiung in the Southwest. The exhibition space was about 900qm – twice the size of the previous one – and we added the world's first fully taped wholetrain to the inventory. The train was a moving artwork driving through the city advertising for the exhibition. By using special phosphorised foil we made the train glow in the dark. From the inside it was illuminated with colorful light and partially taped as well.All artworks in the gallery part of the exhibition were made during a 14 days quarantine that we had to pass due to ongoing corona pandemic.

Synesthesia - Interactive Immersive Installation with controllable RGB light
Synesthesia is a phsycological phenomenon that is not very well explored yet. Simply put synesthetic people can experience multiple cognitive stimuli at the same time. For example one could see a sound or taste a colour.
The most common variant is the audiovisual synesthesia in which people can very accurately assign colours and shapes to a certain sound and are even able to really see it. In this room we created such an audiovisual experience for the visitors.
Listen to the sound and enjoy how it affects the artwork. Then try to make any kind of noise yourself, by clapping, jumping, stamping or singing and control the audiovisual effect.

Infinite Reality - Infinity room concept with 3 stages
Level 01 - Departure (first Mirror Room)
Level 02 - Space Flight (hexagon Room)
Level 03 - The Core (triangular Room)
How do you know that you really exist?
When making a decision is it really you making it?
From a scientific point of view our free will could also just be an inevitable consequence of physical processes already programmed into everything. It is a disturbing thought, yet very possible that we are all just atoms in a much bigger cosmic rythm - that we might never be able to fully understand.
In the following maze of reflections and light we invite you to let go of yourself and dissolve in infinity for a moment. Please make this experience a play, use it to be who you always wanted to be, or accept that you are tiny and not in control. It is up to you.

Tape Train
We can officially say that we did the world's first Tape Art wholetrain. The term comes from graffiti and describes a train that is fully covered with paint from the very front to end. Seeing this thing driving through the illuminated city during Chinese new year, glowing in the dark and even taped from the inside is truly an achievement that satisfied our wildest dreams.
From the inside Infra created a one-liner artwork in red and blue that was illuminated with colorchanging LED-stripes.